Valtori's values have been rewritten together with the personnel

Valtori's values have been reformed and crystallised. Our new values have drawn up together with the Valtori employees.
Our shared values serve as the basis for our activities. They genuinely guide everyday activities and decision-making when they are bright in our minds.
Our new values are
- responsible
- appreciative
- reliable
- skilled.
Responsible and sustainable: We take responsibility and sustainability into consideration in such things as procurement, travel, the use of materials and in relation to personnel equality, non-discrimination, wellbeing and development opportunities.
Appreciative: We are experts whose work is based on cooperation. We follow common practices, appreciate and value others, communicate clearly and facilitate open dialogue and participation.
Reliable: We build trust in cooperation relationships. We foster a psychologically safe work community and a good atmosphere so that we are a healthy community that is capable of renewal.
Skilled: We are proud of our own expertise in a good way and, at the same time, willing to continuously develop this. We will update and renew and create added value for ourselves and our clients.
Further information
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