Valtori's values have been rewritten together with the personnel
Valtori's values have been reformed and crystallised. Our new values have drawn up together with the Valtori employees.
ICT service providers – take a look at the upcoming competitive bidding processes organised by Valtori!
We value both seamlessness and security.
We have tens of thousands of service users, which means that the results of our work have wide-ranging effects!
Take a closer look at our operationsValtori's values have been reformed and crystallised. Our new values have drawn up together with the Valtori employees.
Valtori is currently working on several projects and reforms that are important for our future: Valtori's Valo internal development programme, the implementation programme for the new service strategy and the central government's productivity programme. We, our customers and society have a lot going on. We also needed to update our vision in order to respond to this and keep up with the times.
As a provider of ICT services, sustainability and responsibility are an integral part of our statutory duties at Valtori. Our third sustainability report explains how we promote sustainable development and the sustainability of our operations in 2023.
Valtori's financial statements for 2023 have been completed. In 2023, the use of Valtori’s services expanded and Valtori’s total turnover continued to increase. Growth particularly originated from the Tuve activities, although continuous services grew strongly in both the Tori and Tuve operating areas.
At Valtori, sustainability and responsibility are an integral part of our statutory duties as a provider of ICT services. Our second-ever sustainability report describes the promotion of sustainable development and the sustainability of our operations in 2022.
The financial statements have been completed for Valtori’s ninth year of operation. In 2022, the use of Valtori's services continued to expand as a result of digitalisation and new customer relationships.
The Finnish Government has appointed Master of Social Sciences Marja Rantala as the CEO of the Government ICT Centre Valtori.
We compiled practical instructions and tips for central government personnel to streamline their work during possible power outages.
“Responsibility is an important value for any organisation, and also a core value for Valtori. I am pleased that we have started to promote sustainable development in a structured and systematic way,” says Valtori CEO Tero Latvakangas.
The financial statements have been completed for Valtori’s eighth year of operation. As part of the new strategy, customer experience is now the most important objective.
The Valtori Transformation Programme, which runs from 2020 to 2022, focused its first year of implementation on laying the foundation for the new strategy. The most important achievements related to customer cooperation, cost-effectiveness and the goal-orientation of operations.
Valtori's new organisational structure was supposed to enter into force from the beginning of the new year. However, the schedule will be postponed by two months, which means that the organisational reform will enter into force on 1 March 2022.
The Government ICT Centre Valtori will reform its organisation to meet tits renewed, customer-oriented strategy. At the heart of the strategy is the vision: we want to be the ICT partner that enables the customer’s success.
In May, Tero Latvakangas started in the CEO position in the Government ICT Centre Valtori. Under his leadership, Valtori has now renewed its strategy for 2022–2024.
The Finnish Government has appointed M.Sc. (Tech.) Tero Latvakangas CEO of the Government ICT Centre Valtori. Latvakangas has previously worked as the production manager of Valtori.
Valtori's financial statements have been published. During the exceptional year of 2020, the coronavirus pandemic caused the central government switch to remote working on a large scale. By rapidly increasing capacity and though other measures, Valtori ensured that remote working was made possible. The number of online meetings more than doubled and the number of simultaneous remote connections per month increased from 8,000–10,000 users to more than 30,000 users.
The implementation of Valtori's Transformation Programme 2020-2022 has begun. Representatives of the Ministry of Finance are involved in directing the programme. The implementation phase will last two years.
The Ministry of Finance has reorganised and reappointed Valtori’s customer advisory board for the term of office from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2024.
Paula Kujansivu, Adjunct Professor, D.Sc. (Tech.), M.Sc. (Tech.), M.A., was appointed as the Chief Transformation Officer and a member of the management team of Government ICT Centre Valtori.
Government ICT Centre Valtori is about to launch a long-term transformation programme.