Year 2020: Valtori's customer and personnel satisfaction increased in the midst of the pandemic

Valtori's financial statements have been published. During the exceptional year of 2020, the coronavirus pandemic caused the central government switch to remote working on a large scale. By rapidly increasing capacity and though other measures, Valtori ensured that remote working was made possible. The number of online meetings more than doubled and the number of simultaneous remote connections per month increased from 8,000–10,000 users to more than 30,000 users.
At the same time, the focus of user support shifted from on-site support to customer support. The number of contacts coming through electronic service channels increased by around 25% year-on-year. User satisfaction with central government IT support services improved: on a scale of 1 to 10, user satisfaction increased from 9.1 in the previous year to 9.31.
Customer satisfaction with Valtori's operations increased significantly in 2020, despite the effects of the pandemic. On a scale of 1 to 5, satisfaction improved to 2.83 from 2.34 a year earlier. On average, customers of the TORI business were more satisfied than those of the TUVE business. Customers' satisfaction with projects was 3.6.
Valtori's personnel satisfaction increased, exceeding the central government average. According to the VMBaro survey, the job satisfaction index, i.e. overall satisfaction, was 3.73 on a scale of 1 to 5, while in the previous year it was 3.55.
According to the remote working survey, Valtori's personnel have adapted well to working remotely. As approximately half of the respondents will want to continue working remotely full-time, one floor of the premises in Lintulahti, Helsinki, will be vacated.
The shared central government premises will respond to the ongoing transformation of work, facilitating inter-agency cooperation. For example, Valtori is involved in an agency campus project in Pori.
Valtori's guidance model changed in March when Valtori's Board of Directors was dissolved. The Ministry of Finance is now directly responsible for Valtori's strategic guidance, ICT preparedness, preparedness and security guidance, and guidance of business principles.
With the Transformation Programme, Valtori's operations will be overhauled under the Ministry of Finance’s guidance. Preparatory and planning work was carried out in 2020, and a Chief Transformation Officer was hired to lead the programme. The two-year implementation phase started at the beginning of 2021. The programme’s primary objective is to implement Valtori's strategy: central to the programme are productivity improvements and Valtori’s role in organising the services.
Other key events in 2020
- Service harmonisation proceeded according to plan. Harmonised IT services generate savings and facilitate both cooperation across organisational boundaries and agency mergers.
- As a result of the measures of the quality programme launched in autumn 2019, the number of faults decreased and the quality of services improved. According to KPMG’s assessment, the maturity of change management increased significantly, from 1.5 in 2018 to 4.6.
- The TUVE business expanded, and more customers adopted services in both business areas. For example, with the Finnish Defence Administration's Construction Establishment, about 700 new users, 500 workstations and 600 eTUVE phones were added to the TUVE services.
- In the autumn, the Ministry of Finance launched a review of the organisation of security network operations. Decisions will be made on which options for organising the security network operations will be included in the next phase of the review and which criteria will be used to compare the options.
- With the follow-up evaluation of the information security management system, the ISO 27001 certificate will continue in force.
- The expertise of Valtori’s employees was actively developed. EUR 2.3 million was spent on training. In addition, a great deal of on-the-job learning and task rotation were used to develop competence. Valtori has also implemented dedicated training programmes and paths. The Osaava system was introduced in the TORI business area and will be extended to the TUVE business area in 2021.
- A pay system was introduced. The new system will harmonise the classifications of complexity concerning the employee’s duties, performance appraisals and pay levels, promoting equality of employees. The cost impact of increasing the wages in the pay system was 4.2%.
Key figures in 2020
- Number of employees 1,408
- Total operating costs (EUR 1,000) 384,728
- Average customer invoicing EUR 33.3 million per month
- Customers with the highest invoicing volumes: Legal Register Centre (11.82%), National Police Board (9.29%), Prime Minister's Office (9.17%), Tax Administration (8.22%) and the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command (8.03%)
- Number of standard workstations 64,400 (2019: 57,000)
- Number of complaints 36 (2019: 50)
- Functionality of key TORI services 99.54% (2019: 99.45%)
- Major incidents 3.7 per month (2019: 7.1)
- Resolution time for major incidents 6h 2min (2019: 12.1)
- Resolution time for support tickets 2.45 days (2019: 2.6)
- Service level agreement resolution for support tickets (SLA%) 92.2% (2019: 90.1%)
- Savings of approximately 1,200 person-days with several automation implementations
- Approved information security assessments for services 10 assessments (TUVE) and 10 assessments (TORI)
For more information, contact:
CEO Pasi Lehmus, tel. +358 295 50 5522, pasi.lehmus[at]