We streamline interactions using digital channels

Sustainability goal: We streamline customer interactions using digital channels

Developing digital channels and thus streamlining customer services aims at improving our most important strategic goal, i.e., customer satisfaction.

Valtori’s digital service channels include Valtori’s service portals (TOP and Tokka) and customer workspaces. Our customers receive support for the use of our services and report incidents through service portals and can familiarise themselves with our services from customer workspaces.

In 2023, the development of digital service channels focused on the development of the TOP service portal

  • We implemented supplier integration for hardware orders. It is used to automatically display new device models offered by the supplier, for example in headphones, in the TOP device catalogue for customers. This, in turn, decreased the need for manual work and accelerated the process. We will continue to automate order integration in 2024. 
  • We reformed the equipment catalogue so that the customers’ representatives can manage the range of devices offered to their organisation. 
  • We merged about 15 previous individual forms into one Ask customer support form to make it easier to ask open-ended questions. This improves the user experience and efficiency. 
  • We introduced a reform related to the visual identity and improvement of the user experience planned in the previous year. Its goal was that as the user experience improved, our customers would switch to making more and more support requests using digital channels. 
  • We added the Your opinion on the portal? feature that allows users to continuously provide feedback and development requests with a low threshold. We received 2,121 feedback items in this CX measurement during the year.
  • We expanded the use of the Valpuri advisory bot.

We created new forms for the Tuve communication service and updated existing ones. The aim of the development of the forms was to streamline transactions with the telecommunications service.

In addition to developing service portals, we conducted an internal assessment on the current situation of our service channels. The assessment highlighted the needs and opportunities for further development of channels, such as fragmented information and challenging service paths, the development of which we will promote in 2024. 

Progress metrics

User satisfaction with individual service events (live survey, scale 1–10)

2023 actual: 9.43
2022 actual: 9.4
2021 actual: 9.4

User grade on the TOP service portal (CX measurement, scale 0–10)

2023 actual: 6.35 (2,121 feedback items) 

Case studies

Supplier integration in the TOP service portal’s device orders. It is used to automatically display new device models offered by the supplier, for example in headphones, in the TOP device catalogue for customers. This, in turn, decreased the need for manual work and accelerated the process.