Key figures

Valtori has approximately 1,600 employees, of which approximately 75 % are male and 25 % female.

Number of staff at the end of the year 2014: 467, year 2015: 739, year 2016: 1111, year 2017: 1134, year 2018: 1299, year 2019: 1402, year 2020: 1408, year 2021: 1419 and year 2022: 1395, year 2023: 1579.

Age distribution 31.12.2021: under 24 years 1,3 %, 25-34 years 16,9 %, 35-44 years 26,9 %, 45-54 years 29,5 %, 55-64 years 24,7 % and over 65 years 0,7 %.

The most typical job titles are system specialist, ICT specialist and information and communication technologies specialist.

Valtori is responsible for approximately 99,500 workstations.

There are approximately 20 offices throughout Finland. The offices with the largest number of employees are Helsinki, Rovaniemi, Hämeenlinna and Jyväskylä.

Geographical distribution 31.12.2020: Helsinki and Uusimaa 592, Southern Finland 266, Western Finland 165, Northern and Eastern Finland 385.

Employee satisfaction: year 2014: 3,1; year 2015: 3,2; year 2016: 3,2; year 2017: 3,6; year 2018: 3,6; year 2019: 3,55; year 2020: 3,73; year 2021: 3,68 and year 2022: 3,69, year 2023: 3,82.

In 2023, employee satisfaction was 3.82 on a scale of 1–5 (5 being the best). 

In 2023, total earnings were EUR 467 million.

Earnings 2014: 82,6 EUR million; 2015: 166,1 EUR million; 2016: 248,1 EUR million; 2017: 303,1 EUR million; 2018: 322,7 EUR million; 2019: 354,7 EUR million; 2020: 399,1 EUR million; 2021: 406,1 and 2022 420,3 EUR million and in 2023 467 EUR million.

In 2022, the five largest customers in terms of invoicing were Legal Register Centre, the Prime Minister's Office, National Police Board, the Tax Administration and the logistics department of the Finnish Defence Forces.


The Ministry of Finance set a project for collecting the state's sector-independent Information and Communication Technology tasks (the TORI project) to collect the sector-independent ICT tasks of the state’s ICT service centres and agencies in accordance with the government programme and guidelines provided by the Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy. The TORI project was active from 7 May 2012 to 31 December 2015.

In total, the sector-independent ICT tasks of approximately 80 government entities were transferred to Valtori. These tasks included services that do not require significant sector-specific skills, which are based on commonly used equipment, software solutions and technologies.

The migration of functions (also known as TORI migration) was carried out through agency-specific migration projects, in which the sector-independent ICT tasks, persons, agreements and other production-related factors were identified for migration. The first migration was carried out in March 2014, with the last migration taking place in June 2016.

Thus, 1 March 2014 is when Valtori's operations commenced.

Key events in the past



Valtorin strategiset painopistealueet: tyytyväinen asiakas, erinomainen toimintakyky, merkityksellinen työ sekä kustannustehokas toiminta säilyivät ennallaan. Palvelustrategian toimeenpano-ohjelma on edennyt pääosin suunnitellusti ja jatkuu myös tulevina vuosina. Valtorin tavoitteena on jatkuva strategiaprosessi, jolla varmistetaan palveluportfolion tavoitteiden mukainen tehokas hallinta, asiakasohjaus ja strategisten tavoitteiden mukainen palveluvalikoiman kehittyminen.


The use of Valtori’s services expanded. The Valo programme for developing Valtori’s internal operating models was launched. Valtori invested in work on its service strategy. Marja Rantala started as Valtori's CEO.


The use of Valtori's services continued to expand. We succeeded in improving customer satisfaction. Significant multi-annual additional funding for the development of comprehensive security. Marja Rantala was elected as new CEO.


In May, Tero Latvakangas started in the CEO position. Under his leadership, Valtori renewed its strategy for 2022–2024.


The coronavirus pandemic caused the central government switch to remote working on a large scale. Valtori ensured that working remotely was made possible. Both customer and personnel satisfaction increased.


Valtori’s operations are managed through the business areas (Tori and Tuve).


First-class customer experience and understanding form the most important strategic focus area. Valtori’s key task is to ensure the continuity of its customers’ operations.


A customer-oriented operations model was deployed and the organisation was restructured. Topics covered in the main customer event included, for example, digitalisation and customer experiences.


The new Board of Directors and CEO started their work. The security network (Tuve) tasks carried out by the Finnish ICT Agency HALTIK were transferred to Valtori together with the associated employees.


Valtori's permanent management started its work. Business operation transfers to Valtori (excluding TUVE services) were completed. Customer events were very popular.


Operations were started on 1 March 2014. Kari Pessi was appointed CEO.