Key figures
Valtori has approximately 1,600 employees, of which approximately 75 % are male and 25 % female. |
The most typical job titles are system specialist, ICT specialist and information and communication technologies specialist. Valtori is responsible for approximately 99,500 workstations. |
There are approximately 20 offices throughout Finland. The offices with the largest number of employees are Helsinki, Rovaniemi, Hämeenlinna and Jyväskylä. |
In 2023, employee satisfaction was 3.82 on a scale of 1–5 (5 being the best). |
In 2023, total earnings were EUR 467 million. |
In 2022, the five largest customers in terms of invoicing were Legal Register Centre, the Prime Minister's Office, National Police Board, the Tax Administration and the logistics department of the Finnish Defence Forces. |
The Ministry of Finance set a project for collecting the state's sector-independent Information and Communication Technology tasks (the TORI project) to collect the sector-independent ICT tasks of the state’s ICT service centres and agencies in accordance with the government programme and guidelines provided by the Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy. The TORI project was active from 7 May 2012 to 31 December 2015.
In total, the sector-independent ICT tasks of approximately 80 government entities were transferred to Valtori. These tasks included services that do not require significant sector-specific skills, which are based on commonly used equipment, software solutions and technologies.
The migration of functions (also known as TORI migration) was carried out through agency-specific migration projects, in which the sector-independent ICT tasks, persons, agreements and other production-related factors were identified for migration. The first migration was carried out in March 2014, with the last migration taking place in June 2016.
Thus, 1 March 2014 is when Valtori's operations commenced.
Key events in the past
- Valtorin liikevaihto kasvoi edelleen hieman.
- Palvelustrategian toimeenpano-ohjelma on edennyt pääosin suunnitellusti ja jatkuu edelleen.
- Valtori käynnisti loppuvuodesta 2024 valtiovarainministeriön tilauksen mukaisesti valtion yhteisten tieto- ja viestintäteknisten palvelujen tavoitetila 2030 -ohjelman.
- Kesällä 2023 käynnistynyt Valtorin sisäisten toimintamallien kehittämisen Valo-ohjelma jatkui vuoden 2024 marraskuuhun.
- Valtorin tuottavuusprojekti käynnistyi vuoden 2024 alussa ja jatkuu vuoteen 2027.
- Turvallisuusvaatimusten täyttäminen ja toiminnan jatkuvuuden varmistaminen jatkuivat Valtorin toiminnan pysyvinä periaatteina. Toimintaympäristössä vaikuttivat edelleen kireänä jatkuneen kyberuhkatilanteen hallinta sekä varautumisen toimenpiteet.
- Palveluiden häiriöttömyys on yksi Valtorin keskeisimmistä tavoitteista. Laajavaikutteisten häiriöiden määrä pysyi edellisen vuoden tasolla, mutta ratkaisuajat kasvoivat edellisestä vuodesta.
- Asiakaslähtöisyys on toteutunut Valtorissa pääosin tavoitteiden mukaisesti ja asiakastyytyväisyysmittausten tulokset ovat hyvällä tasolla niin päättäjien ja ICT-yhdyshenkilöiden kuin loppukäyttäjienkin osalta.
- The use of Valtori’s services expanded and Valtori’s total turnover continued to increase. Growth particularly occurred in Tuve operations.
- The strategic main objectives guiding Valtori’s activities were: satisfied customers, excellent performance, meaningful work and cost-effective operations.
- Valtori invested in work on its service strategy. The customer base was extensively involved in the work on the service strategy.
- The Valo programme for developing Valtori’s internal operating models was launched in summer 2023.
- The still-challenging operating environment following Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine continued to affect Valtori’s priority areas for developing comprehensive security.
- Uninterrupted services are one of Valtori’s key objectives. While the number of extensive disruptions increased slightly, the time required to resolve disruptions was at a good level at the same time.
- A customer-driven approach was achieved in line with its goals, and the results of customer satisfaction measurements are at a good level for decision-makers, ICT contact persons and service users alike.
- Marja Rantala started as Valtori's CEO.
- The use of Valtori's services continued to expand as a result of digitalisation and new customer relationships.
- The first year with a new strategy. The main objectives of the strategy are satisfied customer, meaningful work, excellent performance and cost-effective operation.
- The strategy was supported by the Transformation Programme.
- An extensive organisational and operating model reform was carried out.
- A still-challenging operating environment following Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine.
- Changes in the operating environment require investments in the development of comprehensive security, and Valtori received significant multi-annual additional funding for this purpose.
- Improving customer satisfaction was our most important strategic goal and we did so excellently. The survey at the beginning of summer provided a picture of the right direction, and the customer satisfaction survey carried out at the end of the year confirmed that our customers' satisfaction is at a high level and even exceeded the goals for 2022.
- Marja Rantala was elected as Valtori's new CEO.
- Tero Latvakangas M.Sc. (Tech.) took over as CEO.
- Valtori’s strategy was reshaped. The focus selected was customer experience development
- Work began on planning and implementing organisational reforms to support the strategy.
- In its first year, the Valtori Transformation Programme focused on customer cooperation, cost-effectiveness and goal-orientation of operations.
- The Valtori customer advisory board was reformed in order to increase the effectiveness of customer guidance.
- In the spring, a vulnerability was detected in the central government's remote access service. The investigation concluded, however, that it had not been exploited within the central government IT environment.
- The most significant disruption of the year occurred in July, when an excavator cut through an optical fibre cable. Following the incident, work was done to ensure that sufficient backup connections were available, and the deficiencies detected during the incident were addressed in cooperation with the supplier.
- A chatbot were introduced in customer support and a voicebot was introduced for telephone enquiries.
- The third Valtori Academy reached completion. Once again, it succeeded in providing young people at an early stage of their careers with opportunities for professional development.
- Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the central government switched to remote working on a large scale. By increasing capacity and through other measures, Valtori ensured that remote working was made possible.
- The number of online meetings more than doubled and at peak times the number of simultaneous remote connections increased to more than 30,000 users.
- The focus of user support shifted from on-site support to customer support. The number of contacts coming through electronic service channels increased by around 25% year-on-year.
- User satisfaction with central government IT support services was 9.31 on a scale of 1 to 10.
- Customer satisfaction with Valtori's operations was 2.83 on a scale of 1 to 5.
- Personnel satisfaction was 3.73 on a scale of 1 to 5, exceeding the central government average.
- Valtori's guidance model changed when Valtori's Board of Directors was dissolved.
- The Transformation Programme will overhaul Valtori's operations. Preparatory and planning work was carried out during the year. The two-year implementation phase started at the beginning of 2021.
- Service harmonisation proceeded according to plan.
- As a result of the measures of the quality programme launched in autumn 2019, the number of faults decreased and the quality of services improved.
- The Tuve business expanded, and more customers adopted services in both business areas.
- In the autumn, the Ministry of Finance launched a review of the organisation of security network operations.
- With the follow-up evaluation of the information security management system, the ISO 27001 certificate will continue in force.
- The expertise of Valtori’s employees was actively developed. EUR 2.3 million was spent on training.
- A pay system was introduced.
- Savings of approximately 1,200 person-days were achieved with several automation implementations.
- At the end of the year, the number of employees was 1,408.
- In accordance with the organisational change that took effect on 1 April 2019, Valtori’s operations are managed through the business areas (Tori and Tuve).
- The Government of Finland proposed a legislative amendment, based on which Valtori’s management model would be clarified by disbanding Valtori’s Board of Directors. The amendment took effect on 15 March 2020.
- Valtori established an automation unit and, together with the Finnish Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR (Palkeet), it launched a joint AI project, which will be completed in 2020.
- Valtori established a Communications profit centre and recruited a Communications Director.
- Valtori participated in the KYHA19 and TAISTO19 emergency exercises.
- Finland’s third EU presidency started in July. Valtori’s role was to ensure that IT and telecommunications functioned smoothly and with no interruptions during the presidency.
- A quality programme covering both business areas was launched last autumn. The programme focuses on availability improvements and continues in 2020.
- The share of service billing for harmonised services is 74%.
- The number of users of the standardised workstation service Valtti exceeded 20,000.
- The average feedback score for individual service requests was 9.2 on a scale from 1 to 10. During the year, the number of feedback responses was nearly 75,000.
- Of the trainees who participated in the second Valtori Academy programme, 19 were recruited as permanent employees.
- The first 12 participants to the “From specialist to architect” programme graduated.
- The score for overall satisfaction in the personnel satisfaction survey (VMBaro) was 3.55.
- The number of employees was 1,402 at the end of the year.
- A chat was opened for the Service portal users, with support also provided in Swedish and service hours extended as necessary.
- Users provided 30,000 responses when asked for feedback on the success and speed of the service. The average score was 9.2 on a scale of 1–10.
- All customer environments were included in the ERP system.
- Valtori played a major role in the technical arrangements related to the Helsinki summit meeting of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in July.
- The shared and nationally networked emergency centre system for authorities was successfully deployed for the first time in the Oulu emergency centre at the end of November.
- Work related to the mapping of possibilities provided by artificial intelligent was started.
- Standardised services accounted for 56% of service billing. These services cover 39 customer agencies.
- The score for overall satisfaction in the personnel satisfaction survey (VMBaro) was 3.6. Satisfaction improved compared to last year.
- The number of employees was 1,299 at the end of the year.
- 31 December 2017 Enterprise resource planning system TOP (ServiceNow) was used with almost all customers.
- 14 November 2017 Topics covered at Valtori's customer event included, for example, digitalisation and customer experiences.
- 12 October 2017 The ICT Day organised by Hansel and Valtori gathered together nearly 250 customers and 30 service suppliers. The theme of the day was “Productivity with smooth services”.
- 10 May 2017 Valtori participated in the Valtio Expo fair as part of the government service providers’ network.
- 15 May 2017 Valtori’s service portal was renewed to provide customers with more diverse support.
- 1 May 2017 Valtori’s organisation and management were restructured: Service production was divided into three areas: User support, Services and Service production. Administrative support tasks were combined to common services covering the entire Valtori.
- In spring 2017, Valtori's customer support operations were centralised to Jyväskylä and Hämeenlinna.
- 1 January 2017 A customer-oriented operations model was deployed. Customer-specific teams with specialists from various competence areas were formed.
- 31 December 2016 Valtori met the requirements for basic-level administrative information security.
- 8 December 2016 Cooperation negotiations on the reorganisation of business operations were concluded.
- 25 October 2016 Approximately 200 customers attended Valtori's customer event.
- 12 October 2016 Cooperation negotiations on the reorganisation of business operations were started.
- 1 July 2016 Pasi Lehmus started as the new CEO after Kari Pessi retired.
- 1 June 2016 The security network (Tuve) tasks carried out by the Finnish ICT Agency HALTIK were transferred to Valtori together with the associated employees.
- 17 May 2016 Valtori participated in the Valtio Expo fair as part of the government service providers’ network.
- 14 March 2016 The new Board of Directors started its work, with Pekka Ruuhonen as the Chair.
- 31 December 2015 Business operation transfers to Valtori (excluding Tuve services) were completed.
- 31 December 2015 The terminal device service VALTTI, office ICT infrastructure services and the publishing platform service YJA were ready for deployment.
- 28 October 2015 More than 300 customers and more than 40 service providers attended the joint ICT event organised by Valtori and Hansel.
- September–October 2015 The pilot deployments of the terminal device service VALTTI were started.
- 30 September 2015 The remote use service Kauko and the capacity solution Vaka were ready for deployment.
- 16 September 2015 Approximately 200 customers attended Valtori's customer event.
- 19 May 2015 Valtori participated in the Valtio Expo fair as part of the government service providers’ network.
- 11 May 2015 The TaitaVa project, which is aimed at building a harmonised corporate culture, was started.
- 1 April 2015 The new organisation for service production and customer relationship management started its operations.
- 1 January 2015 Valtori’s permanent management began its work.
- 30 October 2014 Approximately 330 customers attended Valtori's customer event at Paasitorni.
- 1 October 2014 Kari Pessi started as CEO.
- 9 September 2014 Actions to fill Valtori's permanent management positions were started.
- 1 September 2014 Valtori’s headquarters in Jyväskylä started its operations (the official opening celebration took place on 17 October 2014).
- 1 March 2014 Valtori’s operations were started, as the first transfers of business-independent ICT tasks were completed and over 400 government ICT specialists transferred to Valtori. Kari Pessi started as the interim CEO.