Ecological sustainability

At Valtori, we strive to reduce the negative ecological impacts of our operations in different ways. Key measures in 2023 included matters related to premises, travel and official cars.

Valtori emissions

According to the central government emission estimate* published in June 2023, Valtori’s emissions in 2021 were 81 million kg CO2e or carbon dioxide equivalent. This is 3.34% of all central government emissions and 46% of emissions from the administrative branch of the Ministry of Finance. 

When examining the assessment, the role of Valtori as a service centre must be taken into account. In addition to our own operations, our figures show emissions from the services we produce for our customers.

According to the estimate, the majority of Valtori 2021 emissions were attributable to these business accounting accounts: 

  1. Patent, licensing and licence fees 20 million kg CO2e
  2. ICT user services 17 million kg CO2e
  3. IT specialist and maintenance services 13 million kg CO2e
  4. ICT equipment leases 7 million kg CO2e
  5. Machinery, furniture and transport equipment of low value 5 million kg CO2e

These accounts are closely related to Valtori’s core activities. For our own operations, emissions were lower, for example electricity 1.4 million kg and travel services 0.2 million kg.

Valtori´s emissions: Patent, licensing and licence fees 24,7 % (20 million kg CO2e), ICT user services 21 % (17 million kg CO2e), IT specialist and maintenance services 16 % (13 million kg CO2e), ICT equipment leases 8,6 % (7 million kg CO2e), Machinery, furniture and transport equipment of low value 6,2 % (5 million kg CO2e) and other accounting accounts total 23,5 % (19 million kg CO2e).

Image: Valtori’s emissions (in kg CO2e) in 2021 by accounting account 

* Estimate source: State Treasury (central government emission estimate 2020–2021: central government business accounting and SYKE ENVIMAT emission factors). The calculation method of the emission estimate is averaging, and the calculation has only been made in 2020 and 2021. The State Treasury examines the possibilities of continuing to produce an assessment in the coming years. 

Using premises efficiently and sustainably 

We abide by the state premises strategy and strive to promote its objectives. We primarily use premises owned by the state and managed by Senate Properties, which are produced sustainably. We serve customers located in a large geographical area, and we strive to be close to customers with our own network of sites. We participate in the central government’s shared working environments when the locality provides the opportunity to do so, both in terms of premises and from the perspective of the economy.

We achieved the central government’s facility efficiency target already in 2022 and also maintained it in 2023.

  • We gave up two offices and reduced about 200 m2 from one office.
  • In two localities, we started working in the central government’s shared working environments.
  • Our office space efficiency at the end of 2023 was approximately 8.5 m2/person-year.

Space efficiency: in 2017: 15,6; in 2018: 12,9; in 2019: 12,0; in 2020: 12,1; in 2021: 10,0; in 2022: 9,5 and in 2023: 8,5.

Image: Valtori space efficiency annually (image source: Valtori)

We continued to participate in Senate Properties’ national energy saving programme, which began in 2022. During the summer, we reduced the cooling of the facilities, and during the winter we reduced the heating. We have also started planning the transition to LED lighting in several locations in cooperation with Senate Properties.

We managed most of the facility moves with cars that use fossil-free fuels.

Where possible, we used the existing construction materials in the conversion of the premises.

We recycled furniture from the offices we gave up to our other offices and also to the central government’s shared working environments, thus extending the service life of the furniture. When purchasing new furniture, we paid attention to ecological fabric choices and other manufacturing materials, such as avoiding chrome surfaces in the furniture. 

The coffee beans of all coffee machines are certified. We discontinued cardboard cups used at some of the offices. Some of our office supplies have been purchased as ecological products, such as packaging material.

Reduction of emissions from travel 

We comply with the state travel regulations and the specifications issued by Valtori. Our main principle is working remotely as far as possible – so we are already assessing the need for travel very carefully. If travelling is done, we will primarily do so by means of public transport. 

We do a significant amount of remote work at Valtori, which reduces environmental impacts through both premises and private motoring. However, some of our tasks require physical presence, and face-to-face encounters at offices can be of great social value.

Travel increased considerably during the year as the COVID-19 pandemic eased. This growth is naturally explained by the need to meet colleagues, customers, ICT suppliers and other stakeholders face-to-face after a long period of time. 

A total of 9,000 trips were made, which is 34% more than in the previous year. Compared to 2019 (before the pandemic), the amount is 19% lower. 

Number of trips in 2019: 11139; in 2020: 5990; in 2021: 4504; in 2022: 6706 and in 2023: 9000.

Image: Number of trips per year (source: M2, image source: Valtori)

A total of 2,074 regular flights were taken, which is 111% more than in the previous year. Compared to 2019 (before the pandemic), the amount is 29% lower.

Number of regular flights in 2019: 2912; in 2020: 711; in 2021: 275; in 2022: 985 and in 2023: 2074.

Image: Number of regular flights per year (source: Hankintapulssi, image source: Valtori)

Together with Palkeet, we paid more attention to the use of our own car in travel claims on official journeys – the situations in which it is justified and when it is not. This is what we are continuing to do, and we are already looking at it in our travel plans. We have also discussed stricter needs assessment for training and seminar trips abroad. 

We investigated the provision of an employment bicycle benefit for the entire personnel, and introduced the benefit in 2024. Those who have started using the benefit can use bicycles instead of cars or public transport for journeys between home and work, which reduces transport emissions. A bike also encourages staff to engage in physical activity and thus can increase well-being. 

Transition to lower-emission official cars 

In official cars, we move more towards the use of low-emission cars, such as hybrid and electric cars. Our ICT support and technicians use official cars (leasing) because we serve customers who are located in a geographically wide area and cannot reach them by public transportation. In addition, cars are needed in tasks such as transporting workstations and telecommunications equipment. The transition to hybrid and electric official cars requires charging possibilities. 

We investigated the possibilities of charging cars with Senate Properties. We also prepared an internal plan on the order in which the charging network should be built at Valtori sites. 

In longer-term official cars, the transition to hybrid and electric cars has not yet been realised in concrete terms. As far as short-term rental cars are concerned, we have already partially achieved this. 

We will continue the planning and implementation of the charging network with Senate Properties. Our goal is to be able to order the first hybrid cars in 2025. An effort will be made to increase the number of hybrid or electric cars purchased in 2026 so that by 2027 they will account for 20% of official cars.