Valtori’s ICT services for central government

Valtori’s task is to ensure that the central government’s everyday life with ICT services and tools is smooth and safe.

We produce sector-independent ICT services for the central government, as well as ICT and integration services that meet the high demands of preparedness and security. 

We provide the services in two separate environments: the central government’s common network and the security network used by the security authorities. We work together with our partners, ICT suppliers. 

Customer satisfaction in 2023: Customer satisfaction with cooperation with Valtori: 4.0; ICT contact persons’ satisfaction with the services they use: 3.8 and End-user satisfaction with the services they use: 4.2.

Image: Customer satisfaction in 2023 (scale 1–5)

Our customer base is broad: we produce ICT services for government agencies and institutions. Our services allow our customers to provide digital services to their customers, citizens and businesses. Therefore, the impacts of our operations, both positive and negative, are multiplied extensively. 

Valtori’s strategic focus areas are: Satisfied customer, Meaningful work, Excellent performance and Cost-effective operation.

Image: Valtori’s strategic focus areas (image source: Valtori)

Valtori’s focus areas are satisfied customers, excellent performance, meaningful work and cost-effective operations. 

The most significant changes in Valtori’s operations in 2023 were: 

  • We invested in service strategy work. We confirmed the main policies of the service strategy: sharpening the range of services, improving the efficiency of service activities, making service development more agile, and implementing the cloud transition. The implementation of the service strategy is a key target for 2024. Cloud services enable many perspectives that support sustainable development, for example by reducing and consolidating the number of devices, licences, and capacity needed. 
  • We launched the Valo programme for developing Valtori’s internal operating models. The aim is to improve the internal interoperability of Valtori and ensure the functioning of key processes and operating models essential for IT service production as a whole, strengthen management and ensure that the organisational structure and operating culture enable the achievement of the objectives. The programme will continue until the end of 2024.
  • We prepared for supporting the central government productivity programme in accordance with the Government programme and surveyed the possibilities of improving the efficiency of central government ICT and digitalisation services. These include eliminating overlaps, reducing customer-specific solutions in a controlled manner, automation, new technologies and use of partners. Valtori’s productivity programme project was launched in early 2024.

Further information on the events of 2023 can be found in Valtori’s financial statement and more information on Valtori can be found in the Information on Valtori section on the Valtori website.

This report is the third Valtori sustainability report, and it describes the promotion of sustainable development and the sustainability of our operations from 1 January to 31 December 2023. We report on sustainability annually. We published the previous report in spring 2023. You can read our previous reports in Finnish in the Sustainability section on the website. 

Sustainability work is done together

Every Valtori employee can participate in sustainability activities with a low threshold. We develop our operations year by year and focus our attention more strongly on the future. 

Valtori’s CEO and steering group direct and outline, decide on future sustainability actions, monitor the progress of the actions and approve the sustainability report. In 2023, the steering group discussed the topic 3 times.

The sustainability forum is an open, virtually functional forum for all Valtori members. It makes it easy, quick and flexible to participate in sustainability activities by, for example, coming up with ideas for future actions and explaining what has been implemented. At the same time, sustainability competence increases. 

Evaluation, Reporting and Communications teams work actively to promote sustainability and develop it further. Sustainability groups have members from several Valtori profit centres. 

  • The main task of the evaluation team is to assess the effectiveness of sustainability ideas at the Valtori level and to prepare a proposal for future sustainability actions for the management group. 
  • The main task of the reporting team is to write and compile both the interim situation and the actual annual sustainability report. 
  • The main tasks of the communications team are sustainability communications and maintaining the operations of the forum.

Profit centres participate in the brainstorming of sustainability acts and implement the sustainability acts of their own profit centre decided in the management group.

The Communications and marketing profit centre owns the sustainability entity, guides it and develops its activities further:

  • In 2023, we will prepare an annual timetable for sustainability and organise sustainability tasks in a new way. The annual timetable guides the activities and the work of the teams. 
  • In 2024, the aim is to promote Valtori’s sustainability work and increase sustainability competence and understanding in Valtori. 

Further information on Valtori's sustainability at 

Our sustainability goals

We strive to ensure that sustainability becomes an integral part of our operating culture.

Our current sustainability goals are:

  1. We take the suppliers’ sustainable development practices and sustainability into account in procurements.
  2. We apply sustainable development principles to the lifecycle management of ICT equipment and components.
  3. We reduce costs by investing in automation.
  4. We streamline customer interactions using digital channels.
  5. We ensure the continuity of Valtori’s operations in all security conditions.

We regularly review and evaluate our sustainability goals. We prioritise actions that are more relevant to our operations and strategy. 

We promote the UN’s objectives

With the sustainability goals we have set, we can best contribute to the three UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Technology and infrastructure renewal, resource efficiency in production, promotion of sustainable public procurement practices and the use of environmentally friendly technologies and production processes are issues that we can influence through the implementation of our statutory tasks.