The service strategy will add detail to Valtori's main strategy by describing the target state of the service selection and activities and by outlining key development themes: Streamlining service portfolio, Optimizing service production, Cloud transformation and Enhancing the efficiency of service development.

Key development themes of the Service strategy: Streamlining service portfolio, Optimizing service production, Cloud transformation and Enhancing the efficiency of service development.

Image: Key development themes of the Service strategy (Image source: Valtori)

Streamlining service portfolio

By streamlining service portfolio, Valtori can provide its clients a clear range to services that responds flexibly and cost-effectively to client needs.

Optimizing service production

By optimising production models, Valtori can centre its resources on its own service production. This, together with the partners' service production, enables more agile development of services and faster response time to emerging client needs.

Cloud transformation

Together with stakeholders, Valtori will clarify its role in the utilisation of central government cloud services and develop its service selection to support the cloud transition of clients.

Enhancing the efficiency of service development

The new operating model will make it possible to make development decisions in a timely manner through clear decision-making points. This will take into account the client's perspective and the available resources.

Service strategy implementation programme

Our service strategy implementation programme was launched in January 2024. The aim of the programme is to put Valtori's new service strategy into practice.

The implementation programme is divided into four development packages:

  • Strengthening service management
  • Valtori's joint modular services
  • Optimizing service production
  • Cloud transformation

Service portfolio

The service strategy will be concretely reflected to clients in the reform of Valtori's service selection. Services are grouped in such a way that they form a uniform, clear service selection that meets customer needs. The aim is for the services to be modular and flexible, and for them to form clear entities and service packages.

One of the most prominent changes in the range of services is the division of services into different portfolio areas that help clients understand the services available and choose from them. In other words, the portfolio area brings together similar services according to client needs. A simpler range of services makes it possible to focus on needs instead of just technology.

Modular services consist of standardised components, allowing for faster response to changing needs and more effective allocation of resources and development.