First Valtori responsibility report released – here are the highlights

“Responsibility is an important value for any organisation, and also a core value for Valtori. I am pleased that we have started to promote sustainable development in a structured and systematic way,” says Valtori CEO Tero Latvakangas.
Responsibility is an integral part of our statutory duties. At the national level, we are a major supplier and provider of ICT services. We are responsible to our employees, customers, partners and society for identifying and managing responsibility-related expectations.
This is our first responsibility report. It describes the achievement of our responsibility goals in 2021 by linking them to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. A new report will be produced each year.
Our five responsibility goals are as follows:
- We take sustainable development practices and responsibility into account in procurements from suppliers
- We reduce indirect costs by investing in automation
- We apply sustainable development principles to the lifecycle management of ICT equipment and components
- We streamline customer interactions using digital channels
- We promote space efficiency, recycling, and sustainable use of natural resources in all our operations
Highlights from the year’s goals, indicators and actions
Highlights from actions already taken and future goals:
1) We take sustainable development practices and responsibility into account in procurements from suppliers
- We include responsibility requirements as a natural part of competitive tendering and
- we take into account ecological certificates and assessments in our tendering processes.
For procurements classified as public procurements, we will in future be monitoring areas such as the number of requirements related to environmental objectives in each tendered device contract and the percentage of tendered ICT service contracts per year in which additional points were awarded for a public environmental programme or similar programme (and how well such programmes progress).
Did you know that the majority of our procurements are ICT procurements? In 2021, our procurements totalled EUR 323 million, of which EUR 282 million (nearly 90%) were ICT procurements.
2) We reduce indirect costs by investing in automation
- We create new digital interfaces and
- we simplify processes.
In future, we will monitor areas such as the additional savings achieved through selected automations (2021 result was EUR 220,000, target for 2022 is EUR 1 million) and the share of automated sales invoices invoiced in each monthly cycle (2021 result was 8%, target for 2022 is 60%).
Did you know that the Varmennemaatti, which was introduced in 2021, monitors the public certificates we deliver and automatically sends a message about those that are about to expire? On average, close to a hundred certificates expire each month. This automation is estimated to save dozens of working hours each month.
3) We apply sustainable development principles to the lifecycle management of ICT equipment and components
- We consider sustainable development right from the procurement stage,
- we support the deployment and use of the ICT equipment, and
- we ensure that it is recycled responsibly.
In future, we will monitor areas such as the increase in independent deployment of Valtti workstations.
Did you know that in 2021, 97% of the equipment taken out of use through 3stepIT was reused in a data-secure manner, while the remaining 3% was recycled. Through this reuse, 1,000,000 kg of CO2 emissions were avoided.
4) We streamline customer interactions using digital channels
- We are developing the digital customer experience and
- maintaining and developing Valtori digital service channels.
In future, we will be monitoring areas such as user satisfaction with individual service events (in 2021, our average score was 9.4 out of 10) and the time taken to resolve support requests (in days).
Did you know that, in 2021, nearly 45% of support requests from users of Tori services were made through the service portal. A total of 67% of all requests were received through digital service channels (TOP Self-Service Portal and chat service), an increase of 14% on the previous year.
5) We promote space efficiency, recycling, and sustainable use of natural resources in all our operations
- We use space efficiently and responsibly,
- we take environmental factors into account when travelling and
- we take care of recycling and reuse of packaging materials.
In the future, we will be monitoring areas such as the space efficiency of our offices (level in 2021 was 10 m2/person, target for 2025 is ≤ 7.5 m2/person) and the proportion of official cars which are hybrid or electric cars (target for 2026 is 20%).
Did you know that, after carrying out a utilisation rate survey and personnel survey, we gave up 1/3 of our office space at the Helsinki Lintulahti office? We thus freed up 1,000 m2 of space for others to use.
Further information on responsibility
Marketing Manager Mariikka Kekäläinen, [email protected]