Description of the preparation of the report

In accordance with the new sustainability operating model, Valtori’s reporting team for sustainability was responsible for writing and compiling the sustainability report in 2023. 

We involved Valtori employees extensively in producing the content. This way, we aimed to ensure that the factual content of the report is comprehensive and that smaller everyday actions can be taken into account in addition to large policies.

  • All Valtori employees had the opportunity to talk about sustainability actions in the Howspace service. 
  • The departments compiled sustainability actions for the reporting team.
  • Views of specialists from different areas of sustainability were heard through interviews and discussions. Some specialists also produced text for the report.
  • The reporting team assessed the impacts of different sustainability acts and highlighted the most important and essential issues in the report.

Valtori’s management group submitted proposals for changes and further preparations for the work on the report and approved the report. 

The communications team for sustainability work was responsible for finalising the texts, illustrations and implementing the online publication. 

Sustainability is part of the operating culture and everyday life

According to the Current state of sustainability at Valtori survey, targeted at personnel at the end of the year, sustainability is visible at Valtori, for example, as: 

  • continuous sustainable work (sustainability is perceived as part of the daily job description, an effort is made to be reliable employees, and one’s own area of responsibility is taken care of, the tasks are carried out to a high standard and well)
  • doing remote work
  • information-secure work and
  • productivity (the aim has been to reduce overlapping work and, for example, to increase the efficiency of resources through automation, it is perceived that the work involves responsibility for saving tax money, and productivity is taken into account also from the perspective of customers).

55% of the respondents felt that their own sustainability competence was at least good, 81% felt that they were at least fairly sustainable in their work, and 81% felt that Valtori enabled at least some of the work to be done sustainably.

A total of 91 people responded to the survey targeted at all Valtori employees, and one Valtori employee completed it as part of their thesis. 

We use the results of the survey in the development of sustainability activities, including the planning of training. The aim is also to repeat the survey with the same content later so that we can find out how sustainability work has developed at Valtori.