We provide sector-independent ICT services for the central government as well as information and data communications technology services and integration services that meet the requirements of high preparedness and security.

Our services are a combination of our own service production and commercial services provided by our trusted partners. In other words, we act as an integrator. We want to ensure that our services match the needs of our customers in the best possible way, and both Valtori employees and our partners play an important role in service integration.

Valtori integrates outsourced services and in-house service production.

Image: Valtori’s operating model for integration (image source: Valtori)

We have a wide customer base: all government agencies and institutions. In addition, our customers include government-owned corporations, other public authorities, bodies governed by public law, the parliament, funds that are not within the scope of the government budget and companies or organisations with public administration or service responsibilities.

Tens of thousands of people use our services – our work is important and has wide-ranging effects!

Our objective is to

  • provide high-quality, reliable and harmonised basic IT services, allowing our customers to offer their services to citizens and companies
  • enable interoperable solutions and flexible reorganisation between the different government agencies
  • achieve savings through harmonised processes and services
  • ensure disruption-free and continuous communications required by the cooperation of the Government's executive leadership and the authorities that are vital to the safety and security of society in both normal and exceptional situations and ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the information required in decision-making and leadership.

Safe and smooth ICT services - working for Finland.

Image: Safe and smooth ICT services - working for Finland (image source: Valtori)

Valtori has approximately 1,600 employees

We have approximately 20 offices in various parts of Finland. In practice, our geographically-decentralised operating model means that remote connections, Teams meetings and paperless offices are part of our everyday work life. Valtori's premises mainly comprise activity-based offices, with various working areas and work spaces for different tasks. Further information on Valtori as a work place is available in the Work at Valtori section.

In addition to Valtori, there are other government service providers serving government organisations. Read more about their operations!

Logo: Senaatti. Logo: Palkeet. Logo: HAUS. Logo: Valtiokonttori. Logo: Hansel.