We take sustainability into account in procurements

Our sustainability goal: We take sustainable development practices and sustainability into account in procurements from suppliers.  

Sustainability requirements in Hansel’s competitive bidding

As a rule, we carry out procurements through the framework or dynamic procurement arrangements of the public procurement unit, Hansel. Thus, Hansel will also monitor the fulfilment of sanctions.

The joint procurement obligation covers, among other things, widely-used conventional IT hardware and software as well as the administration’s shared information systems. These include computers (workstations and laptops), monitors and other IT equipment, their parts and accessories, and telecommunications services, voice subscriptions and voice services.

The majority of competitive bidding of significant value in 2023 was based on Hansel’s framework agreements and dynamic procurement systems. In these, Hansel has already taken environmental and/or social sustainability into account when selecting suppliers for the arrangements. 

Sustainability requirements in Valtori’s own competitive bidding processes

Valtori’s own bidding processes typically include software procurements, demanding service procurements and information system procurements. In these competitive bidding processes, we also strive to take into account different sustainability objectives as far as possible. 

For example, in 2023, we will take environmental objectives into account in the bidding process for Valtori’s own media monitoring service. The bidders received additional quality points by showing that 1) the bidder’s data centre uses renewable energy, 2) the bidder’s data centre utilises waste heat, and 3) the bidder has a public environmental or sustainability programme. 

With regard to procurement, our objective is the efficient and appropriate use of public funds. We take financial sustainability into account in all our procurements. In competitive bidding, the aim is to select a product/service of sufficient quality that the supplier offers at a competitive price. 

As a result of a successful procurement, Valtori and its customers will be provided with the most economically advantageous solution, taking into account the entire life cycle of the product/service. In addition to the characteristics required of the product/service, essential factors for optimising the procurement include the length of the contract period and securing an adequate competitive situation.
Valtori’s procurements and contracts take into account sanctions imposed by the EU. 

We increased the handling of sustainability requirements in market surveys and technical dialogues. 

At Valtori, we are currently collecting sustainability criteria suitable for various procurements. Many parties (including Motiva) are currently producing new sustainability criteria for different data banks. Valtori analyses their suitability and usefulness in its own procurements.

Progress metrics

In what percentage of the biddings/year* has a sustainability requirement been included, such as an environmental certificate or a public environmental programme. (*incl. procurements related to Tori services completed during the year, the value of which exceeds €500,000 and for which environmental requirements can be applied)

2023 actual: 100 % 
* Financial sustainability taken into account in all procurements

2022 actual: 100 %
* Financial sustainability taken into account in all procurements

In what percentage of market surveys and technical dialogues/year have sustainability requirements been discussed.

2023 actual: 71 %