We improve cost-efficiency through automation

Sustainability goal: We reduce costs by investing in automation. 

Automatically updated basic reporting on the data platform 

We started an internal pilot at Valtori on a data platform at the end of the year. The data views provided by the data platform will be made available to the entire Valtori in spring 2024 and to pilot customers in 2024, after which the use of the platform will be expanded to other customer relationships.

On the data platform, we will offer up-to-date and automatically updated basic reporting to Tori service customers. For example, billing reports are automatically generated on the data platform.

Availability and timeliness of data will improve as data is automatically transferred from several different data sources to the data platform. The data platform enhances the use of information and enables knowledge-based management. In addition to ready-made data views, the data platform allows for providing refined data using interfaces, for example in different customer needs.

Expanding chatbot use

In 2023, we significantly expanded the use of the Valpuri chatbot in service portal TOP. At the end of the year, the users of 32 customer offices used TOP’s chat channel, which was more than 10 times the previous year.

The chatbot, which answers simple and routine questions, helps customers get a solution faster, while freeing up time for customer support experts to do other things. 

Automation of purchase and sales invoicing

During the year, we continued to systematically automate purchase and sales invoicing. Automated invoicing processes save Valtori employees’ working time while also saving costs. 

With the automation of the purchase invoice process, Valtori gained an annual savings of approximately €298,000 during the year. The calculation takes into account the saved working hours of Valtori employees and the cost savings of services purchased from Palkeet. Annual savings from automation reduce indirect costs and the pressure to increase invoicing prices.

In the automation of the sales invoicing process, the introduction of the invoicing information system has continued and automation has been developed. The savings from automation are several person-days per month for the sales invoicing process. In addition, there is an impact on the compilation and management of invoicing source data. As these automations develop, significant savings will be achieved by each service.

Examples of automation in Valtori’s services:

In the mobile device service Mobiili, we started automating tasks related to device replacement and lifecycle monitoring of mobile devices, such as electronic cover notes and automatic reporting. This increases the efficiency of the work phases and thus results in cost savings. Automation will continue in 2024.

In the Tuve video conferencing service, we automated the process and operating methods, which made it easier to use the service and was also reflected in the reduction in the number of tasks in service production.

Progress metrics

Customer organisations using the chatbot in the TOP service portal 

2023 actual: 32
2022 actual: 3 

Percentage of automatic sales invoices invoiced per month

2023 actual: 80%
2022 actual: 60%
2021 actual: 8%

Proportion of automated purchase invoices

2023 actual: 38.30%
2022 actual: 30.60% (the share decreased because all existing automations had to be updated with the organisational change implemented in Valtori in 2022)
2021 actual: 38%

Case studies

Automatically updated basic reporting on the data platform. The data platform will offer up-to-date and automatically updated basic reporting to Tori service customers. We started a Valtori-internal pilot, and in 2024, the use will expand to pilot customers.