Transformation Programme: Collaboration, efficiency and goal-orientation

The Valtori Transformation Programme, which runs from 2020 to 2022, focused its first year of implementation on laying the foundation for the new strategy. The most important achievements related to customer cooperation, cost-effectiveness and the goal-orientation of operations.
The implementation of the Transformation Programme started just over a year ago. The programme will run until the end of 2022 and has progressed as planned.
“The programme's objectives and measures support the implementation of our recently reformed strategy and Valtori’s organizational renewal. During the first year of implementation, we focused particularly on the areas where we had identified the most acute need for change,” explains Chief Customer Experience Officer Paula Kujansivu, who is overseeing the programme.
1) Increased collaboration with customers
The customers actively participated in the development work through their involvement in various workshops and pilots. The joint development and increased customer understanding received praise from both customers and Valtori employees. Customer cooperation was also actively developed through the renewed Customer Advisory Board, which plays a significant role.
2) Cost-effectiveness seen in service prices
The unit prices for several services could be lowered thanks to effective implementation of efficiency measures such as automation.
3) Goal-orientation and a systematic approach made our operations more robust
The goals of each Valtori employee are set based on the Valtori strategy and are regularly discussed with the employee’s supervisor. Valtori’s performance indicators are monitored within Valtori and together with the Ministry of Finance as the overseeing organisation. Several revised operating models were adopted in order to make Valtori's operations more goal-orientated and robust.
The background work and observations made in the Transformation Programme were also utilised extensively in Valtori’s strategy renewal process. The selected focus for the new strategy was improving customer experience.
The second year of Transformation Programme’s implementation phase is now under way
The Transformation Programme will support the implementation of Valtori’s new strategy this year through measures such as bringing a customer-orientated approach to all of Valtori’s operations, ensuring service portfolio development in line with the customer’s needs, and improving the predictability of invoicing.
Further information
- Chief Customer Experience Officer Paula Kujansivu, [email protected], tel. + 358 295 50 4661
- See also: Valtori reforms its future guidelines