Valtori's year 2022: We succeeded in improving customer satisfaction during this very eventful year

Publication date 9.3.2023 13.23 | Published in English on 23.3.2023 at 16.08
Press release
Image source: Valtori

The financial statements have been completed for Valtori’s ninth year of operation. In 2022, the use of Valtori's services continued to expand as a result of digitalisation and new customer relationships.

Our total turnover increased, but the growth rate was clearly more moderate than in previous years. The total costs describing the scope of Valtori's operations increased by about 3.1%. Total costs increased more slowly than in previous years.

Earnings in year 2014 were 82,6 M€, in year 2015 were 166,1 M€, in year 2016 were 248,1 M€, in year 2017 were 303,1 M€, in year 2018 were 322,7 M€, in year 2019 were 354,7 M€, in year 2020 were 399,1 M€, in year 2021 were 406,1 M€ and in year 2022 were 420,3 M€.
Photo: Development of Valtori’s earnings in 2014-2022 (image source: Valtori)

2022 was the first year in line with our new strategy. The main objectives of the strategy are: 

  • satisfied customer 
  • meaningful work 
  • excellent performance 
  • cost-effective operation.  

In line with our vision, we are the ICT partner that enables the customer’s success.

The main focus of our operations was, and continues to be, ensuring continuity of operations for our customer organisations. In addition, the permanent principles of our operations include meeting security requirements and ensuring the conformity of services.

Significant multi-annual additional funding for the development of comprehensive security

In 2022, changes in the operating environment, such as the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, had an impact on the priorities of developing comprehensive security. In support of their activities, Valtori received significant multi-annual additional funding.

The abatement of the corona pandemic enabled a controlled reduction of control measures. However, managing the changes in the operational environment caused by the Russian attack required the operation of the situation management team in accordance with the contingency plan throughout the operational period.

From the perspective of data protection, we supported the conformity of services by carrying out assessments of services containing personal data and by participating in national projects promoting the utilisation of cloud services, for example.

One of our key objectives is to ensure that services are uninterrupted. In industry-independent Tori services, the situation was very good and we achieved the set targets. In terms of security network services (Tuve), the number of large-scale incidents was still too high. 

The aim of organisational change is to improve customer-orientedness

In the spring, we carried out an extensive organisational and operating model reform to ensure a customer-oriented approach and our ability to produce services that better meet customer needs. The implementation method of the organisational change, the evaluation of its effects and the scheduling were not fully optimal, and the reform required a lot of working time. The organisational change was also reflected in the personnel experience in the late spring. During the second half of the year, however, staff satisfaction mainly returned to normal levels.

Employee satisfaction in year was 3,1; in year 2015 was 3,2; in year 2016 was 3,2; in year 2017 was 3,6; in year 2018 was 3,6; in year 2019 was 3,55, in year 2020 was 3,73, in year 2021 was 3,68 and in year 2022 was 3,69.
Photo: Development of Valtori’s employee satisfaction in 2014-2022 (image source: Valtori)

We succeeded in improving customer satisfaction

Improving customer satisfaction was our most important strategic goal and we did so excellently. The survey at the beginning of summer provided a picture of the right direction, and the customer satisfaction survey carried out at the end of the year confirmed that our customers' satisfaction is at a high level and even exceeded the goals for 2022. The reforms are also visible in customer cooperation, which we have systematically renewed and with which customers have been satisfied. There is still room for improvement in areas such as reliability of project delivery and conformity of services.

The number of personnel developed more slowly than planned due to the difficult recruitment situation in the labour market and the internal mobility of personnel. 

Number of staff in 2014 was 467, in year 2015 was 739, in year 2016 was 1111, in year 2017 was 1134, in year 2018 was 1299, in year 2019 was 1402, in year 2020 was 1408, in year 2021 was 1419 and in year 2022 was 1395.
Photo: Development of Valtori’s number of staff in 2014-2022 (image source: Valtori)

In 2022, the strategy was supported by the objectives and measures of the Valtori Transformation Programme 2020–2022. The programme ended in early 2023, and we will focus on analysing its results and impacts this year. 

Key figures from 2022 

  • User satisfaction with Valtori services: 4.0 (on scale of 1 to 5)
  • Satisfaction of decision-makers and contact persons with Valtori services: 3.9 (on scale of 1 to 5)
  • Job satisfaction of employees: 3.69 (on scale of 1 to 5)
  • Number of staff: 1,392
  • Total operating costs (MEUR): 419
  • Number of workstations: 99 500
  • Major disruptions: 4.1 pcs/month (2021: 3.9, 2020: 3.7 and 2019: 7.1)
  • Support request resolution time: 1.3 days (2021: 1.8, 2020: 2.4 and 2019: 2.6)

Highlights from 2022

  • The first year with a new strategy, at the core of which is a satisfied customer and cost-effective operation.
  • The strategy was supported by the Transformation Programme.
  • An extensive organisational and operating model reform was carried out.
  • A still-challenging operating environment following Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine.
  • Changes in the operating environment require investments in the development of comprehensive security, and Valtori received significant multi-annual additional funding for this purpose.
  • Marja Rantala was elected as Valtori's new CEO.
  • We succeeded in improving customer satisfaction.

Further information: 

Antti Uusitalo, Director of Finance and Efficiency, [email protected] 

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