Different data security services ensure compliance with the requirements. At the same time, they protect and monitor local, hybrid, and cloud production environments. Our security services are reliable and cost-effective.

Our customers can acquire the following from Valtori:

Terminal and server security services 

  • Our customers acquires cost-effective solutions for protecting terminal devices and servers. 
  • For example, Workstation Protection provides workstations with advanced tools for preventing security threats and anything exploiting such threats. 

The security services of the service environment 

  • Cost-effective solutions for vulnerability management, network detection, and attack prevention in the operating environment.
  • The most commonly used service is called Log Management. It is used to securely collect, store, and retrieve log data produced by the customer's data systems. 

Monitoring services

  • The customer also receives control room functionalities for their data systems, equipment, and solutions that are not otherwise purchased as a service from Valtori. 
  • The most commonly used monitoring services are Monitoring Service NOC and Monitoring Service SOC. The purpose of NOC is to ensure the availability of services, such as user logging in. The purpose of SOC is to ensure the usability, reliability, and integrity of the customer's operating environment. 

Web security services

  • For example, Web Application and API Protection WAAP protects the public online services and application programming interfaces (API) of Valtori’s customers against cyberattacks. The services remain safe and can be used smoothly even during possible denial-of-service attacks.

Cloud security services

  • For example, Zero trust network access ZTNA protects remote access in a cloud-controlled manner. Telecommunications can be published to a user’s terminal device safely, location-independently and discreetly. The service enables abandoning other VPN solutions.