One Valtori for more harmonised operations

Publication date 20.2.2019 11.58 | Published in English on 21.1.2020 at 16.09
Press release

On 1 April 2019, the Government ICT Centre Valtori will adopt a new organisation – One Valtori. The objective is to have operations that are as unified and customer oriented as possible. The change also supports Valtori’s new strategy, with first-class customer experience and understanding forming its core.

The ICT and integration services for the public administration’s security network (TUVE) were transferred to Valtori in 2016. The objective has been to harmonise operations throughout the organisation.

According to legislation, TUVE operations are required to be separated in terms of production, administration and finances. In practice, this means that Valtori will continue to have two business areas: TORI and TUVE. However, operations will be harmonised within the legislative framework.

“The message from customers has been clear. They expect more unified operations from us. With the organisational change, we can better utilise the best practices throughout Valtori in service development, user support, architecture and procurement. The monitoring and incident control operations are a good example of areas in which there is good cooperation at the company level,” says CEO Pasi Lehmus.

Going forward, Valtori’s operations will be managed through both of these business areas. In the new management team, Jouni Mustonen is responsible for customer accounts. Jari Virtanen will lead the Services and development function, Sakari Marttila leads the User support function, with Tero Latvakangas leading Production. Mikko Vuorikoski is the head of Internal services and Leena-Mari Tanskanen leads Communications. In addition, Vuorikoski is the deputy for the CEO. Mika Knuutila is the employee representative.

“Harmonisation has been discussed for a long time, but there is still a lot to do at the practical level. The organisational change enables internal cooperation at a completely new level, and thus it enables the implementation of change. The customers of both business areas will see this especially in the increased coherence of services. In addition, we will have more possibilities to develop mobility, cloud services, artificial intelligence and robotics,” says Lehmus.

Further information

CEO Pasi Lehmus
tel. 0295 50 5522, [email protected]

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