2023 in brief

We take sustainable development practices and sustainability into account in procurements from suppliers

In 2023:

  • We carried out a proportion part of the competitive bidding process based on Hansel’s framework arrangements and dynamic procurement systems. In these, Hansel has already taken environmental and/or social sustainability into account when selecting suppliers for the arrangements. 
  • In Valtori’s own competitive bidding processes, we also take into account different sustainability requirements, if possible, whether the bidding be large or small. 
  • We increased the handling of sustainability requirements in market surveys and technical dialogues. 

Read more at Valtori sustainability report 2023: Procurements

We apply sustainable development principles to the lifecycle management of ICT equipment and components

In 2023:

  • We further developed instructions for the self-commissioning of Valtti terminal devices and introduced a terminal device exchange clinic. We also extended the intermediate storage option included in the Valtti terminal device service to Valtti Moduuli customers.
  • We started roller cage deliveries without product packaging. This allows us to deliver the equipment to the customer in a single box, significantly reducing the need for packaging material.
  • We conducted surveys on MFP needs in connection with lifecycle renewals. This allows us to recommend to the customer the most appropriate equipment for their needs.

Read more at Valtori sustainability report 2023: Lifecycle management 

We reduce costs by investing in automation

In 2023:

  • We started an internal pilot at Valtori on a data platform. On the data platform, we will offer up-to-date and automatically updated basic reporting to Tori service customers.
  • We significantly expanded the customer-specific use of the Valpuri chatbot in Service portal TOP.
  • We continued to systematically automate purchase and sales invoicing. Automated invoicing processes save Valtori employees’ working time while also saving costs. 

Read more at Valtori sustainability report 2023: Automation 

We streamline customer interactions using digital channels

In 2023:

  • We developed our Service portal TOP, for example, by implementing supplier integration for equipment orders, renewing the operation of the device catalogue, consolidating forms and introducing CX measurements that enable continuous feedback collection. 
  • We conducted an internal survey on the current situation of our service channels for their further development. 

Read more at Valtori sustainability report 2023: Digital channels 

We ensure the continuity of Valtori’s operations in all security conditions

In 2023:

  • We continued the productisation of information security services and the development of monitoring and observation capabilities. 
  • We updated Valtori’s preparedness policy and participated in several exercises, planning events and working groups with other security authorities and central government actors.
  • We continued the standard operating model for the verification of information security as part of the service deployment process.

Read more at Valtori sustainability report 2023: Continuity of operations  

Ecological sustainability

In 2023:

We maintained space efficiency. We gave up two locations, reduced the floor area at one location and moved to work in the central government’s shared working environments in two locations.

We continued to work remotely to a significant extent. We paid more attention to the use of personal cars on official travel. We investigated the provision of an employment bicycle benefit.

We examined the charging possibilities of hybrid and electric cars, and we prepared an internal plan about the order in which the charging network should be built at Valtori sites. 

Read more at Valtori sustainability report 2023: Ecological sustainability 

Financial sustainability

In 2023:

  • Cost-effectiveness improved. The cost-effectiveness of the activities was excellent, and the productivity and economy of the activities developed positively. Unit prices for standard services decreased.
  • Travel increased in 2023 as the COVID-19 pandemic eased, which was obviously also reflected in costs, and the framework set for the year was exceeded. Compared to 2019 (before the pandemic), however, the amount of travel is lower.

Read more at Valtori sustainability report 2023: Financial sustainability 

Social sustainability

In 2023:

  • We worked on the principles of management together with supervisors. They promote success in supervisory and management work and guide toward the desired kind of management. Quality management strengthens a good staff experience. 
  • We will draw up a new equality and non-discrimination plan to support the development of Valtori’s work community, both equal and diverse. 
  • We increased influencing and participation opportunities as well as transparency in the development of shared issues. We used the Howspace platform in such areas as service strategy work and the development of Valtori’s internal operating models.

Read more at Valtori sustainability report 2023: Social sustainability