A look at 2024

In our sustainability activities, we will look more strongly to the future and promote the activities in accordance with our new annual sustainability timetable.

In 2024, we have for the first time agreed on promoting sustainability in the performance agreement between the Ministry of Finance (MF) and Valtori. 

10 responsibility actions.

In 2024, we as Valtori have also committed to implementing 10 sustainability actions. A large number of Valtori employees participated in the brainstorming, identification and evaluation of the action, and Valtori’s management team decided on the action.

The actions are based on the personnel’s ideas (marked with *), the performance agreement, the Valo development programme of Valtori’s internal operating model, the productivity programme and the state premises strategy. They promote Valtori’s sustainability goals and our sustainable activities diversely from the social, ecological and economic perspective.

The sustainability actions related to Valtori’s core activities are: 

  1. As part of the central government productivity programme, we will prepare a report and plan on measures to improve the efficiency of central government ICT operations.
  2. As part of the implementation of the service strategy, we will draw up a plan for customer-specific services (Asko) for the transition to Valtori’s shared services and launch a sustainable cloud transition. 
  3. As part of the project to reform the state premises strategy, we will enable the introduction of shared working environments. 
  4. On the data platform, we offer up-to-date and automatically updated basic reporting for Valtori’s internal use and Tori pilot customers. 
  5. We create the prerequisites for the certification of Valtori’s preparedness.

Valtori’s sustainability actions related to its own operations are:

  1. As part of the Valo development programme for Valtori operating model, we will identify the strategic competences needed in the future and develop motivating career paths, such as a supervisor’s training path. 
  2.  We compile guidelines and criteria on how sustainability can be taken into account in procurements. *
  3. We will make the use of our facilities more efficient, for example, by switching to shared working environments in accordance with the state premises strategy, when the locality provides the opportunity to do so. 
  4. We will specify the policies and guidelines for business travel and development and recreation days from the perspective of economic, ecological and social sustainability. *
  5. We will arrange for the recycling of redeemable cans and bottles at our premises to the extent that it can be implemented by the lessor. We ensure up-to-date, correct recycling at all sites. *

In addition, the departments implement other sustainability actions as part of their performance targets.